Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2007

Running in the whole morning..

Memang kesialan kebodohan itu sering datang bertubi2.. even di saat yg tdk tepat...

This morning I have 2 presentations for 1 lecture in Bremerhaven at 10am. The lectures was only consits of 3 meetings.. and the 2 meetings were presentations.. I was absent the last presentation because of.. well.. again injured.... and the last time was pretty bad, and longer to recover..I know that the professor was not happy with me because of that..

The sad thing is..that I forgot that today is saturday, so that the 8.26 tram that I used to take doesn't exist... Of crap... I run to the other bus station that has a bus directly to the station.. BUT! of course it doesn't exist also because today is saturday! and I have to run to the tram station again to take the next tram.. I ran with all I have.. and.. when I have to change the tram, the tram 1 which usually arrive almost at the same time with my tram also not there.. I have to wait 5 extra minutes.. In the station, I know there's no way for me to catch that 8.56 train to bremerhaven.. But.. I still ran with all I have to the gleis (platform) 9 which is at the end of the station.. great..and of course.. the train was already gone.. great.. and then I need to print my report.. I was looking for printing center.. and I wasted my 3.5 euros for damn crappy result! ok... then I waited for the next train patiently in the same platform taking a deep breath after the running.. the train depart at 9.34... and.. I waited there until 9.31 and wondering why the train hasn't arrive yet.. and then I realized that.. the next train depart from platform 6... GYAAH!! I ran again.. damn it!! and thank god I didn't miss it again.. and this train was the slower, older and crappier train.. very shaky and noisy so that I was hard for me to write and to concentrate on the presentation...

Not enough bad luck in Bremerhaven, I missed my stop which is of course "Hoschschule Bremerhaven" because two old ladies was blocking my way out and when I reached the door, the bus was already gliding again.. damn it!!! several people was laughing at me.. like.. ehm.. well then I have to walk a quite distance from the next stop to my university.. -_-; almost running.. When I arrived at the class, of course I was still panting.. gooosh!! why was it so hard for me just to come to this class!!

Rabu, 27 Juni 2007

My days of diet spirit

Started applying advises from my senior from high school about food combining, how I should eat regularly 3 times a day without any snacks.. Do not mix carbs and meat and acid.. avoid butter and mayo, and fried stuff.. etc etc.. and all yada yada yada..

Day one..
Breakfast: 1 small bowl of sereal and milk + bread with butter and nutella
Lunch: Bread with butter, smoked turkey, sliced cheese, and lectuces (I didn't add mayo!! *proud* :p)
Dinner: I went to b'day party.. so.. I don't know how much junks I ate..

Day two..
Breakfast: bread with butter and nutella and milk
Lunch: sereal and milk
4pm dinner: 1 small bowl of rice + cupu's suopy meat ball thing (what was that anyway??)
4.30 pm dinner: another 1 small bowl of that strange but tasty soupy thing
5.30 pm dinner: bread + butter and sugar..

See.. how "SUCCESSFUL" I am in this diet thing??

Selasa, 26 Juni 2007

Healthy life!!!

It's time to start the healthy life.. As I realize that my tummy is getting marvelously bigger.. GYAAAH! not to mention the weight meter neddle.. uugh hungry.. *spank*

This morning I woke up early.. at 7.30 am! jeng3! new record! then I went jogging with my roommate.. and collapse after 2 minutes of jog.. :p yada yada yada so lazy... i just grabbed my basket ball and play.. It was so fun having the whole court for myself... uuaoo... fresh air...

Now I'm fresh and can continue work on the stupid report.. we will continue this morning sport routine every tuesday, thursday, and sunday... Hope it'll work!! (yeah right..)

Selasa, 19 Juni 2007

Bremen oh Bremen

Suddenly I feel bored with this city.. It's so small.. erhm..Not so many interesting places to visit or to hang out... I'm missing the big city highlight.. Not just visiting the big city.. but actually live in it..

I really love city night life.. (dont think negatively) Huge buildings, numerous of colorful lights, cars passing by, traffic jam, crouds.. Bremen.. after 8 O'clock don't u wish there's someone out there.. The city is already DEAD..

~aduh dasar.. giliran g lg research aja ngantuknya ilang~

Senin, 18 Juni 2007

Internet Cities Research - surfing through *

Wadoh.. ngakses kok server not found mulu ini ^^;

lg melakukan riset tt situs2 kota di indo.. yah.. [kota] sih intinya.. tp tah elah..
1. Lama aksesnya dr sini... kadang g kebuka
2. Tanggal last updatenya kadang mengerikan..

Tp ternyata memang dah hampir smua ibukota provinsi yah ada sitenya.. tp huhuhu tetep updatenya menyedihkan...

Kalo dibandingkan kok masih jauh yah.. Hampir smua hal bs dicari di sana.. dr mulai dokter, kerjaan, apartemen, alamat, events, dll.. dan yg plg penting informasi yg updatenya cepet bgt.. walau navigasinya katro dan designnya biasa aja..

Huff.. tp tugas gw dgn kota2 di indo jdnya rada2 gampang.. soalnya banyak gw tandain "0" jdnya krn g ada informasi2 yg check list...

Gw liat websitenya palembang.. waah.. ada toh websitenya.. dibuat ama "tim tujuh" trus..udah mayan lah intronya.. gw klik "skip intro" kan yah.. eh tiba2 muncul
Nggak Bisa Konek ke MySQL !
-.-; kaga jd dah gw ngeriset salah satu kota asal gw itu..

happy enough jg krn kota kelahiran saya Purworejo ada websitenya dan g katro2 amat lah trus mayan terupdate...

Jumat, 15 Juni 2007

What a day...

Pagi2.. menerima sms dr mas ilham yg berbunyi
"Vit, gw balik ke rmh lg nih, gw lupa semester tiket gw, blgin yg lain yah"
Membaca sms itu gw dlm hati ngetawain.. "kok bs sih lupa semester tiket"

Pas di kreta, ada petugas tiket.. dan dieeeng.. dompet gw mana yaa?? MATEE! ktinggalan di rmh!! :(( td ngetawain org, ternyata gw sendiri lbh goblok lg br sadar pas di kreta.. Huwaaa... akhirnya setelah berdebat lama dgn susah payah bhs campur2 jerman g jelas.. akhirnya gw dipaksa bayar tiket Niedersachsen EUR 18 yg berlaku 1hr.. T_T ya gt de.. g ada duit jg.. untung tmn gw ada yg bawa uang hiks.. ketolong bgt.. soalnya kalo enggak, gw bakal dibuang dr kreta di stasiun slanjutnya, dan disuru bayar denda EUR 79.. bueek.. dan baliknya dr stasiun itu au dah gmn...

dan ya udah.. di kmps bremerhaven memohon2 international office bwt bkin surat keterangan bahwa gw tuh punya semester tiket.. ya udah d.. dan beruntung jg krn pas balik ke bremen, gw berhasil menjual tiket itu sebesar EUR 13 dgn nongkrongin di tiket otomat ama org yg pgn ke Hamburg.. pheww..

kapok2 ktinggalan tiket.. rugi bandar EUR 5, tp gpp lah..

My 1st official shooting
Hari ini shooting pertama sayah sebagai cameraman di project.. dan saya tau mengapa cameraman biasanya cowo bkn cewe -_- ternyata cuapeee buaanget.. hosh2.. dah seneng jg krn dipuji ama prof gw.. gw jg bingung.. ktnya berbakat.. langsung dah gw pergi tinggi ke awan.. tp hrs segera kembali ke darat.. krn msh banyak bgt yg blm gw tau...

Yah so far so good.. but tiring.. :)

Kamis, 14 Juni 2007


errh.. ketergantungan gw terhadap laptop ini dan internet semakin memarah..

Bgitu membuka mata, tgn gw langsung reflex ke tombol on/off nya laptop gw.. seharian kalo ada di rmh yah megang laptop mulu.. kecuali pas buang air.. mkn aja msh sambil chatting ato ntn pelem.. kalo di kmpus pun di dpn komputer jg.. dan benda terakhir yg gw pegang menjelang tidur adalah laptop ini jg.. 0_o g heran mata gw makin parah.. kadang bingung jg, krn jarang ada kegiatan lain yg bs dilakukan yg g berhubungan ama komputer.. tugas kuliah ato kerjaan jarang ada yg membaca, smuanya praktek di kompi.. 0_o


Kembali teringat..

12 Juni kmrn jd inget lg.. hehehe.. kok g pernah bs lupa yah.. gila dah lama bgt tau.. dah 6 taun.. bs2nya g ilang.. hehehe..

Selasa, 12 Juni 2007

Am I a hateable person?


seems like my flatmates tend to hate me after a while, I don't know why...
What did I do? Did forget to flush to toilet or what? :-s

I don't understand unless they told me.. huuu.. cold war is happening..

Jumat, 08 Juni 2007

I've been chosen as the camerawoman??? 0_o

weeeewwh.. *doing small winning pose*

Seneng bgt krn usaha tdk sia2 utk bkin tes klip utk kontesnya dan akhirnya bs dianggap ama prof gw... (biasanya kaga dianggap huhuhuhu) mengalahkan saingan terberat sayah..
pemberitahuan, ini adalah posisi utk master project fase production nanti.. tentang master project gw itu ehm.. ada di sini

tapi.. buuuh... deg2aan!! gilaa presurenya gedeeee buaangeeeet!!! tiba2 sgala tt hal teknis tt camera yg blibet penuh di kepala gw.. gmn doong.. gmn dooong??? **panik mendadak**

hrs selalu fit dan konsen stiap shooting.. hrs detil bgt mratiin segala settingan tuh kamera..exposure, wb, iris, shutter speed, framing, dll dsb blah2 uugh uuugh.. too much pressure...

btw ini camera seharga EUR 3000an ini yg akan menjadi anak gw ntar utk 1 semester mendatang:

ooh good.. this is biiig.. biiiig.. biiiig >.<

Kamis, 07 Juni 2007

Cowo itu yaaah:

1. Males cuci piring
2. Males masak
3. Males bersiin dapur
4. Males beresin spatu (ksandung2 mulu dah gw)

huuuu.. :(
**jeritan anak yg abis nyuci piring mulu dr kmrn dan butek liat dapur kotor**

Jumat, 01 Juni 2007

Hari yg kacau bwt kalong di musim panas

Hari2 sayah akhir2 ini kacau.. Berhubung otak rasanya g bekerja kalo terkena sinar matahari, sedangkan matahari lelet bgt ngumpetnya dan dgn hebatnya kmr gw tersorot matahari sore/mlm dgn teriknya... sehingga waktu kerja dan blajar sayah berkurang.. Matahari br redup jam 10.. Nah br d g mrasa pusing dan terik utk bekerja.. jam 1 udah g bs konsen lg.. -__-

Maka dari itu tmn sekmr saya yg merasakan hal yg sama, mati2an memasang proper curtain hr ini..dgn modal minim dan ala kadar, gorden berhasil menutupi bagiannya dia T__T bagian sayah ttp tersorot matahari sore yg ganas.. mari mungut2 cantolan gorden lg dr rmh sapa gitu.. yosh!