Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Senin, 28 April 2008

Tidak mengertikah betapa sibuknya kami?

Kami, putra putri indonesia.. mengaku sibuk sekaliii..

Kuliah dr pagi.. sampe sore.. blm lagi tugasnya numpuk bgt.. senen presentasi kuliah A, selasa tugas paper B, rabu ngerjain project, kamis tau dah paan..wiken hrs kerja demi sesuap nasi, setangkap roti, dan segelas susu.. pokoknya banyak bgt lah..

Trus hrs keep update tt berita2 dlm dan luar negeri.. baca koran n brita2 dulu dong di,,,, dll etc.. blah2.. lainnya..

Ngecek email... email milis2nya bnyak pisaan.. gila ini milis, apa apaan? kbnykan sampah smua isinya..

Trus kita jg sibuk aplot foto di multiply, kan janji ama pacar di tanah air utk upload.. trus ngisi blog jg.. kan biar bs curhat..

udah mana tiap hr hrs absen ama pacar yg LDR.. musti ditelpon, gak bs cm chatting, sms (mahal pula) ato kirim kartu pos (ini jaman kapan??).. soalnya kan pacarnya demanding.. kalo cm chatting, kerjaannya ngomel2 mulu krn kita suka lama balesnya..

Blm lg kalo diajak party ama tmn2 sekls.. ato nongkrong2 di pinggir sungai.. ato diajak jln2 ke kota2 lain ato luar negeri bahkan..ato kalo tiba2 di sapa ama gebetan2 ato cem2an di ceting..

wah tuh kan sibuk bgt.. makanya mana sempet masak, beresin dapur and beresin rmh?

nb: no offense..


Jumat, 25 April 2008

Losing weight?

For the sake of budget tightening, I've been eating crappy food in this past two weeks just to shut up my stomach.. And also due to the fact that the whole house seems to be a lot busier this semester, so no warm food available anymore. Sandwich is my buddy, "nasi goreng" also seems to be my best friend.

And guess what.. I lost 3Kg.. ehm.. that's amazing enough..

I miss real food.. gulai ayam.. opor.. rendang.. semur.. mie ayam.. sluuurpph..

Kamis, 24 April 2008

Not a public speaker

Indeed I'm not.. Hate it so much to be the center of attention..

Anyhow.. I have to.. I must...

Pray for tomorrow..


Minggu, 06 April 2008


Aku ingin sekali bercerita padamu..
aku rindu nasehat-nasehatmu..
nasihatmu selalu benar..
seharusnya aku mendengarkan..
kau selalu tau segalanya..

Engkau yang bijak..
ajari aku tetang kehidupan..
aku yang payah ini, sulit sekali melangkah..
beratnya kadang tak tertahankan..
hanya padamu saja aku bisa mengeluh..

Engkau yang galak...
ajari aku mengenai cinta...
aku ini masih terlalu polos..
semua ini sungguh menyakitkan..

Engkau yang jauh..
aku ingin pulang ke pangkuanmu..
aku rindu masakanmu..
aku rindu usapanmu di kepalaku..
aku rindu bentakanmu..
kekuatanku ternyata ada batasnya..
begitu sulit hidupku tanpamu..


do I care so much of what other people think??

Sabtu, 05 April 2008

HD Web Video Player

Still having problem in find out how to play an HD video in our ACT! Website. I found out about this Vimeo which has this amazing quality in showing HD Video, especially in this -I really want to take it home- university's monitor. After the release of new flash plugin that has the capability of playing HD web video, so now many people try this new technology. I was so happy with Vimeo, but then kinda disappointed after I found out that if I want to embed the video into my website, then the quality is reduced. It's not as astonishing as in their own website. I tried to upload one of our ACT! assets, and it came out in very nice quality. Too bad that the video we want to publish is 900MB, while the upload limit is only 500MB.

How to publish HD video!?

Vimeo cannot solve the problem. It also creates annoying orange vimeo logo at the end of the video. Our supervisor will "love" that. What should I do then? Drop the idea of showing this video? just play the video as flash without any player navigation bar and annoy the visitors? Ehhm..? decrease the quality into SD.. which is not our purpose of the project.

Sadly, other website like provides un-free service for this web video. It has the capabilty to upload til 1GB of video, which what we need.