Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007

Pajak penghasilan

T__T tinggi bangeeet.. sebeeel..

Masih untung sih klo gw kerjaan ke-2 dipotongnya kira2 16%.. Kalo kerjaan pertama g dipotong.. kalo di bawah 400.. Menurut kalkulasi, ktnya kalo org2 biasa yg single, pajaknya bs hampir 50%.. jdnya kalo dpt gaji 2000/jgn seneng duluw..

Hiks.. kerja keras kringat.. hrs terpotong pajak...

Gutbai nguli..

Ehm.. ehm.. dpt kerjaan kantoran akhirnya... quite fun.. Biasanya ngoding, skrg milih org bwt ngoding.. >:) hehehehe.. Menyenangkan bs dpt ruangan sendiri gini.. kerja ama org sini cenderung santai kalo gw blg.. soalnya mreka tuh g suka buru2.. kerjanya pelan2 tapi ati2.. Deadliner dan lembur adalah jaraaang skali tampaknya..

Hem.. ky g kerja aja sih.. ruangan PW walau rada dingin (kursi jauh dr heater) ama silau kalo pagi.. trus plg pergi ke bremen nebeng bos pake mini cooper lucu dan keren mampus yg biasa digeber 170Km/h di jln tol.. 1 hr kerja bs bwt mkn 2 bln..cukup dateng 4x 1 bln, dah bs idup...alhamdulillah.. andaikan kerja di indo seindah ini..

Kendalanya adalah.. buset dah itu dokumen2 g ada yg bhs jawa apa? kok jerman smua?? Untung bos sabar ama gw.. jdnya smuanya dokumen yg gw bwt, boleh pake bhs. inggris, trus ntar dia yg translate.. Gw heran knp gw yg dudul ini bs dihire?

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2007

Wanna play?

Let's play!


Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007

4 hari menjadi nomaden..

Sudah 4 malam kulalui tanpa meniduri kasurku yg empuk penuh bantal dan dingin itu.. Berpindah dr rmh teman yg satu, ke rmh tmn yg lain.. dr kasur hangat PW, sofa bed dpn TV, kasur empuk yg bkin males..

The point is.. I'm losing my grip.. G ngerasa nyaman ama rmh sendiri (entah knp dingin bgt kmr gw) trus... kesepian jelas.. lg ringkih jg jelas.. kalo sendirian bs gila..

Tp setiap nginep di tmpat org, pasti tdrnya lbh cpet.. dan gampang bgt molornya.. seperti smlm lg ditelp tmn sekls ngebahas soal proyek... dia ngomong panjang lebar blah3... dan... gw sering bgt ilang ktduran selama dia ngomong.. bener2 dongeng yg ampuh... sampe dia manggil2 gw kenceng bgt br gw bgn... -___-; gomen ne...

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

Can't help it.. but I am..


God help me.. This is going nowhere..

Bloody landlord.. All this time, it's not enough for you to torture me!?!

and.. and.. again.. bloody client, pay me! For god sake!

I'm really doomed..

Everybody just doesn't take me seriously...

Senin, 08 Oktober 2007


Don' nice to me..
Don't..sing a song with me..
when I'm lonely..

.. I fell easily..

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2007

At the peak of my loneliness..

Living alone is no fun.. Yeah.. though now I give temporary shelter for a new student, I'm really not feeling secure and comfortable living with new people.. My roommate has moved to a new place.. and now..I can't wait till my flatmate to come back from Indonesia, especially in this hard time with lots of problems with the house which I have to face them alone.. ARGH! anak bego lama bgt seh baliknyaaa... Awas aja kalo balik, gw suruh macem2!

Waiting for Ilham to come from Dresden in 3 hours.. ehehehe.. You come just in the right time, pal.. Too bad you can't stay longer..

Projects and lectures seem can not help.. In the last weeks, I stay over at my friend's house very often, or just hanging out until late.. But now that semester has began and I have lots of works to do, I can't do that anymore..

Intermezzo: ehm.. kok anak baru g ada yg ganteng dan bs dikecengin yah :p :p