At the peak of my loneliness..
Living alone is no fun.. Yeah.. though now I give temporary shelter for a new student, I'm really not feeling secure and comfortable living with new people.. My roommate has moved to a new place.. and now..I can't wait till my flatmate to come back from Indonesia, especially in this hard time with lots of problems with the house which I have to face them alone.. ARGH! anak bego lama bgt seh baliknyaaa... Awas aja kalo balik, gw suruh macem2!
Waiting for Ilham to come from Dresden in 3 hours.. ehehehe.. You come just in the right time, pal.. Too bad you can't stay longer..
Projects and lectures seem can not help.. In the last weeks, I stay over at my friend's house very often, or just hanging out until late.. But now that semester has began and I have lots of works to do, I can't do that anymore..
Intermezzo: ehm.. kok anak baru g ada yg ganteng dan bs dikecengin yah :p :p
3 Komentar:
Don't say that....hahaha...kadang2 gw juga sering kesepian. Apalagi sekarang ga ada temen2 Indonesianya, dan gw masih menempati tempat yang sama. Sering gw mengenang semuanya kalau lewat tmp2 itu. Tapi, apa mau goes on...nikmatin ajalah.
Cari2 kesibukan luar, jangan pacaran mulu ma komputer, bisa bikin elo melo. Dasar komputer geblek, kaga ngerti perasaan orang tuh. elo kesepian, ke tempat gw aja....hehehe...secara gw juga sama2 kesepian. Kita wanita2 kesepian butuh belaian cowo :)) Ada yang mau datang menjemput?
oline: ....... ke tmpat lo gw butuh kerja nguli 1 bln dulu kynya... hehehe.. jauwh bgt seh loo..
ndins: *LOONG HUG BACK!!*
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