.. about me ..
Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..
.. Links of narcism ..
My friendster
My photo album
My Flickr album
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My Old Blog
.. Cuap2 yg dulu ..
Before and after robbery
Breakfast with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows..
It's getting hot in here.. So take off all your cl...
Midnight Premiere Harry Potter und der Orden des P...
Suka duka jd anak rantau..
Atashi no sekai..
Gamelan; ingatan akan Indonesia
.. Friends ..
Planet CSUI02
Jumat, 27 Juli 2007
This is a test post from
, a fancy photo sharing thing.
Cuap2 si paPiru jam
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