What am I doing?
Sometimes I'm thinking; what the heck am I doing here? Am I wasting my time? Leaving my familiy, my friends, and my whole life behind for what purpose? Are all this things worthed? Seeing my friends already stepped out of the house and have good work and good pay.. And I'm here wasting (still) my parent's money... Sometimes I also thinking.. with my master degree and yet without any experiences, (maybe) would be difficult to find job in the bloody Indonesia.. Not to mention decreasing of "love market" (:p)
6 Komentar:
baru berasanya nanti kok vit. pasti berguna, kok.. paling ga lo jadi lebih dewasa :D
huhuhhu.. mudah2an anda benar :)
ayo Vit.. tetep semangat dong. Jangan kebanyakan mikir yang negatif. Lakukanlan semuanya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Insyaallah lo akan menuai hasilnya nanti...
Baiiik paaaaaaaaak >.<
saya akan berjuaaang!!
ya itung2 elu ke luar negeri itu udah pengalaman vit .. kadang2 sekolah di LN itu bukan ilmunya yang lebih berharga, tapi pengalamannya ..
ehmm.. bener bgt sih.. masalah ilmu sih biasa2 aja.. kadang merasa dosen fasilkom msh lbh gape.. hehehehhee..
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