Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Senin, 21 Mei 2007


This is my second time babbling angrily about that "kutu" girl. We were suppose to meet @10am in Bremerhaven.. But! (copying my prof's tone) When I was in the train and I called her, she was still beautifully sleeping.. Scheiße! I was so angry couldn't say anything.. It was so hard for me to wake up this morning because I'm still a little bit sick.. But there she was, ruined everything.. Na ja.. me and christin were just babbling and cursing her in the train to bremerhaven... Thanx to her now I'm here sleepy, without my soul and my body still aching now..

3 Komentar:

Pada 21 Mei 2007 pukul 15.05 , Blogger Unknown mengatakan...

kata2nya euy....

Pada 21 Mei 2007 pukul 17.21 , Blogger paPiRu mengatakan...

**kebawa ama christin yg maki2 sepanjang hari** :p

Pada 22 Mei 2007 pukul 13.01 , Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

Scheiße artinya apa ya vit?


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