Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008

Appearance rules?

Prologue: Please view this post as a subjective view of a certain kinds of women. Not really mean to offend the whole bunch of species called men.

Is appearance everything? I don't know, maybe pretty girls never really experience this.
Discrimination by looks?
wheew.. been there many times.

What's with the world? Choosing employees based on looks or cup size or offering the almighty help because of the length of the skirt. People are so being blinded. I have a feeling that most gorgeous women have a smooth easy life (sorry for the generalization). They don't understand what it feels like to be treated differently.

We're average. We're not as shinning as those whitey-stylist creatures. And don't intend to be as shinny anyway, because we're actually don't care too much. Well, maybe a bit of jealousy exists. But that's because of the different treatments, D'OH!

Why not see a person (woman) as a person? Not as an object of satisfying the "needs".

There are two kinds of women for men. One kind is to be adored and crazily loved, and the other kind is to loyally serve.

On the other hand, I also know that sometimes women treat certain men differently too. That, I have no say. In fact, I want to ask, again.. Why appearance mattters? They will fade out after 40 anyway. Oh.. I forgot.. Just dump away the 40's ones.. right.

Are they just a bad bunch sample? Or the whole species are like that? Not really sure.

PS: I repeat,
please view this post as a subjective view of a certain kinds of women. Not really mean to offend the whole bunch of species called men.


Perfectionism in tidiness, neatness and cleanliness

Ingat monica di friends yg selalu terobses utk menaruh barang dgn exact dmn aja.. ngaturnya dgn too-much order.. sampe syal dipisah2 berdasarkan warna.. dan ngamuk kalo ada org yg mindain dan ngacauin itu.. Kynya dlm diri wanita, perfectionist dlm kerapihan/kebersihan sedikit banyak pasti ada.. Bahkan cowo jg ada.. contoh nyatanya adalah bokap gw sendiri yg sering bgt kurang kerjaan ngelurusin serabut2 tali di sisinya karpet. -__-;

Inget jg sheldon di Big Bang Theory.. itu lbh gila lagi.. perfectionist dlm segala hal kali.. urutan sandwich aja dipermasalahin.. wong dlm perut kan sama aja.. kekekek..

Perfectionist? Pkoknya intinya mempermasalahkan hal2 kecil, yg bagi org lain tuh g penting..

Menyambung ke kejadian kerusuhan rmh sblmnya, kami (gw n sin) menyadari bahwa wanita itu pd dasarnya punya obsesi menyerupai monica ini. Sin akan stress kalo sofanya abis ditidurin org, lapaknya g rapih. Gw stress waktu org abis mandi bkin basah dan karpetnya klipet2 g jelas. Satu hal lg yg paling gw strict adalah masalah cara njemur baju.. jaraknya hrus diatur, selang selingnya, mana yg di depan, mana yg di tengah tergantung jenis bhn bajunya, ngadep mana biar kena cahaya, hrs dibalik secara berkala.. dll dst. makanya, olin.. waktu itu gw stress ngeliat lo njemur baju rapet2 dan g pake jemuran yg seharusnya utk tipe baju2 itu.. makanya gw jemur ulang.. jd kesalahan bkn terletak di anda.. hehehehe.. Seorg tmn lagi jg stress kalo ngeliat ada rambut satu helai aja di atas karpetnya.. Nyokap gw? dia klo soal jemuran lbh parah kali.. dia balikin tiap jam.. -__-; Trus kalo naro taneman.. sudutnya hrs exact kali.. Bokap jg.. kalo gw abis nyapu/ngepel, pasti diulang..

Belanja jg gitu jg kan.. Harus merk tertentu yg udah biasa dipake.. Soalnya yg merk ini lbh tahan lama, atau wanginya lbh ciamik. Gw pusing pas sin bli sabut cuci piring dan lap dapur di toko satu euro bkn di rossmann. Kalo gorden kmr mandi gak sibakin abis mandi.. trus nata brg2.. bener2 hrs persis sama tiap hari..

Ya walau mgkn g separah2 amat ky monica, tp rasanya sisi ini ada di setiap org.. terutama cewe kalo masalah rmh.. atau cowo di masalah hobbynya misalkan.. naro kameranya ke tasnya ngadepnya salah.. trus ntar dia protes.. Ada jg yg perfectionist dlm hal masak dan nata makanan, tp tdk dlm mengatur tmpat tinggalnya..

ya kira2 bgitu.. apakah kalian2 jg ada hal2 yg jg perfectionist g jelas di dlm satu hal?

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

Teman baik di luar != teman baik di rumah

Inilah pandangan saya setelah mendengar atau mengalamai beberapa pengalaman tentang pertemanan di dalam satu atap..

Kita bisa berteman baik dgn seseorang.. Sering ktemu, maen brg dll dsb..
Ketika tiba2 dihadapkan dgn kondiri satu atap, bs saja pertemanan itu berubah menjadi elus2 dada, perang dingin, atau benar2 menjauh.. Makin lama semakin saling meng-iritate, hal2 yg gak cocok kluar smua.. Hal kecil aja bs jd ky banjir bah kalo ngadepinnya tiap hr..

Memang utk tinggal satu atap itu.. bener2 cocok2an.. Kalau perbedaannya terlalu besar, ribet jdnya.. Gw sendiri amaze sama kita b3 yg so far so good.. Kira2 2 taun udah ama si bodoh nomor1 dan 1 taun ama si bodoh nomor 2 itu, tp blm pernah brantem.. Jadi tmn maen di luar bisa, di dlm jg ttp asik2an.. Tp ya jeleknya, kita maen b3 mulu doang.. g gaul! huhuhuhu..

Gw jg melihat rekan2 yg lain yg idup satu atap ama yg lain.. Yah.. ada yg rusuh2, ada yg sok kompak, ada yg sunyi perang dingin.. Tp yg bener2 kompak sih memang jarang.. Jadinya gw melihat bahwa kebanyakan.. teman di luar != teman di rmh..

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

For all Men in the World

I hate you today...

You and your damn ridicolous so called PRIDE put us in danger...
Just admit that u're a freakin' newbey..

You and your miraclelously messy room..

You and your laziness to wash the damn dishes!

You and your hyperactive shower that flooded the bathroom

Hate you..

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Missed the 080808 Reunion

Yeah.. kira2 3 taun lalu anak2 SMAN 8 angkatan 2002 ingin mengadakan reunian tepat pd tgl 080808... I "gladly" missed that.. yeah..

Ngeliat poto2nya.. aduh irinya.. aduh kangennya... and.. wah.. si aa' dateng .. sial.. :p


Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

Where is my "home"?

What is home?

A place where my loved ones are?

A place where I feel peaceful?
A place where I want to be?

A house of my parents?

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Sunny day

".. Snow comes and goes. But a sunny day is always you .."

By Fira Basuki in Atap