Ehm.. Somehow yes.. lately I do feel uncomfortable sharing my life.. or..
I don't know.. uugh.. why? why? why?
Tapi mungkin dicoba lagi..
Iya udah lama bgt g ngeblog..
Ehm.. Somehow yes.. lately I do feel uncomfortable sharing my life.. or..
Serem juga sih kalo kucing tiba2 menggonggong..
Hari ini, entah bagaimana banyak orang datang tak diundang. Walau penghuni tetap dan tak resmi sedang ber-road trip ria ke budapest, tetapi ternyata msh ada aja yg dtg.. hehehehe.. Salah satunya tiba2 datang membawakan 2 amplop putih ukuran C4 dari bawah.. "Punya lo nih vit, nemu di bawah"
Orang yang tidak pernah merasakan sendiri, terkadang suka berkata:
Berhubung kemarin itu lagi trend org2 yg tinggal di luar negeri utk mudik krn lg ada tiket promo, saya mendengar beberapa keluhan, termasuk dari saya sendiri, bahwa org2 itu banyak skali yang nitip. Sebenernya sih bukannya gak ikhlas. Itu kalo bs dibawa mah dibawa aja . Permsalahan peliknya di sini adalah quota dari bagasi tiket promo yg tdk boleh melebihi 20Kg. Sungguh pelik bukan? bahkan itu mbak2 counter, maupun yg di Hamburg ato Jakarta, judes dan galaknya minta ampun dah. Kekeh utk membatasi maksimal 23Kg.
Jetlag.. laper.. *membayangkan meja mkn yg udah penuh mknan jam sgini di depok*
Lagi baca2 buku2 diary jaman baheula nih..
Masakan ibu:
Some people must have their own assumption about something, it includes prejudice. Humans are too complex to be define as "if A then B". I would take particular example of a timid and quite person. Well, the word 'timid' doesn't really represent what I mean, but I think 'non-talkative' is the best word. It is not rare that we tend to 'assume' that people who is so quite as unfriendly. This especially happens when meeting new people. However, there are indeed some people who feel uncomfortable and shy around new people. This more likely happen to introverts. Somehow, this quietness likely to be assumed as unfriendly or arrogant. But, that is not the case. Some might think that 'talking' is not a big deal. They could talk whatever over whatever to whoever. However, I believe that there are also type of people who just don't talk that much, just because they don't know what to talk about. They already have problems in communication, and yet, other people misunderstood them. These people definitely have to 'fix' their problem. As for the others, maybe a little bit of understanding would be nice.
Melihat fotonya toel di FS.. ada tempat sampah di Fisip yg tulisannya:
Saya mendapat berita ini milis PPI Bremen yang dipost oleh mas andi dengan sumber dari fordis arsitektur brawijaya
How many times a day you ask "why"?
I am developing prototype of a web-based film terminology glossary, based on the former master project from Hochschule Bremerhaven called ACT! ( In ACT! project, we developed an audiovisual film glossary DVD which visualized film terms in different media: video, picture, animation and illustration. For the sake of sharing and to expand the capability of film glossary, I am interested in developing ACT! in web platform.
As basis in developing a usable application, I would like to gather user's requirements regarding features and content structure. For that purpose, I'm spreading out surveys around to potential users.
If you do not mind, please fill out my survey. The questionnaire consists of short questions related to film glossary application usability and will only take a few minutes.
Here is the link to my survey:
If you have another person who are likely related to this subject, it would be really great if you forward the survey to that person too.
Your participation in the survey will really help to complete my thesis.
Thank you in advance and I hope you will achieve much success in your study and career.
I believe I have realized that my writing skill is far below standard since years ago. Not to mention about grammar and spelling mistakes, difficulties in rephrasing ideas in structured way also included in this major problem. And yes, amazingly, it has not improved after all those piles of scientific papers I have read (not write though).