Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

My Wish List

Masakan ibu:
  1. Tekwan
  2. Sambel goreng krecek
  3. Sate godok
  4. Dim sum (terutama udang kristal)
  5. Udang goreng mentega
  6. Gurame bakar
  7. Lidah sambel ijo
  8. Tumis kulit melinjo + tempe
  9. Cumi (calamari/cabe ijo)
  10. Sarikayo
  11. Es palu butung
  12. Tumis kangkung (gila kangkung seiket kecil 2eur yak)

Jajan2 Jakarta + depok:
  1. Sushi Tei
  2. Udon Niji
  3. Abuba steak
  4. Sate padang
  5. Martabak manis keju special :p
  6. Bubur ayam
  7. Lontong sayur
  8. Ayam pop simpang raya
  9. Konro bakar
  10. Soto betawi
  11. Ketoprak
  12. Bika ambon
  13. Nasi goreng kambing yg di situ deh.. (halah)
  14. Ayam penyet pondok laras?
  15. Kepiting saus tiram

Purworejo + jogja
  1. Gudeg permata
  2. Geblek (!= bodoh) + sambel kacang
  3. Bubur gudeg
  4. Mendoan
  5. Ronde
  6. Sego megono
  7. Ayam suharti

  1. Mie celor
  2. Pempek
  3. Laksa
  4. Maksuba
  5. Brengkes
  6. Pindang tulang

  1. Siomay n batagor

Kynya gak mungkin kesampean smua ehm... ehm.. hehehhehe..
Daan.. kynya mgkn aja nambah.. berhubung skrg lg kenyang buanget abis dicekokin ulpeng ama pisang dadar (yg bkin pisang goreng jd pisang dadar siapa jg.. :p)

Gila dibandingin di jerman, betapa beragamnya makanan nusantara..
Di kantin, kynya mreka masak cm pake 1 bumbu.. garam..


Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Non-talkative != unfriendly

Some people must have their own assumption about something, it includes prejudice. Humans are too complex to be define as "if A then B". I would take particular example of a timid and quite person. Well, the word 'timid' doesn't really represent what I mean, but I think 'non-talkative' is the best word. It is not rare that we tend to 'assume' that people who is so quite as unfriendly. This especially happens when meeting new people. However, there are indeed some people who feel uncomfortable and shy around new people. This more likely happen to introverts. Somehow, this quietness likely to be assumed as unfriendly or arrogant. But, that is not the case. Some might think that 'talking' is not a big deal. They could talk whatever over whatever to whoever. However, I believe that there are also type of people who just don't talk that much, just because they don't know what to talk about. They already have problems in communication, and yet, other people misunderstood them. These people definitely have to 'fix' their problem. As for the others, maybe a little bit of understanding would be nice.