Grad Student at Digital Media Bremen who really like to sleeep and to eat. Trying to struggle in this foreign country with all I have including my eating habits and an acute short term memory lost. ..

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

Oh kolorkuu.. kemanakah dikau pergi..

Tampaknya ketabahan hati gw lagi2 diuji.. *sigh* kolor ama BH gw dimaling, man!!!

Jadi TKPnya adalah sebuah toko sepatu di kota Bremen.. Si korban (saya sendiri) sedang isenk mencoba2 boots.. dan tentunya melepas tas sport lucu adidas biru yg isinya g kalah lucunya, yakni kolor dan BH2 gw yg mau di laundry.. Mengingat penyakit gw "short term memory lost" sehingga ketingalanlah itu tas.. inget setelah di toko ke-3.. pas balik lg dah lenyap.. mau maki2 dah gak bs lagi deh.. dah bolak2 balik nyari2 ke toko2 lainnya ampe 3x nanya, mbak nya ampe BT kali.. trus tanya polisi.. tp yah namanya nasib.. itu stock lusinan kolor ama BH gw raib tak bersisa.. jdnya gw bingung mau pake apa lg..

Gw membayangkan muka si maling itu pas buka tas gw.. JENG JENG! isinya adalaaah.. KOLOR BAUU!! mampus lu!

harta karun gw!!! T____T hiks2.. import smua dr indo lg..

yah.. hr ini gw jdnya tukang bengong mikirin kolor.. eh salah.. mikirin rmh.. huhuhuhhu.. stressnyaaaah...

Senin, 27 Agustus 2007


Kesabaran, ketegasan, keuletan, dll dsb dr gw skrg lg diuji sekali.. masalah datang terus2an g abis2.. sebenernya sumbernya cm satu.. tp masalah2 yg lain berturut2 berdatangan.. msh berhubungan dgn post seblmnyah.. sehingga dr situ jd pusing 7 keliling... Memang benar kata orang tua.. makin tua itu hidup makin complicated.. buuh! pgnnya balik jd anak kecil lg.. kalo perlu anak bayi deh.. =p hehehehee... YOSH! ganbare!!!

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

My little palace is falling apart...

What palace?!?! rats!

Udah beberapa hr lbh tepatnya bln.. berkutat ama jamur2 indah di kamar mandi yg membuat lukisan pagi siang dan malam di dinding atas toilet.. Tidak cukup puas dengan itu, tiba2 air buangan tetangga membanjiri dapur kita selama kurang lebih 1 minggu.. jdnya tiap at least 2x sehari ngepel.. for god sake.. Rumah ini tdk pantas dihuni... Udah stress bgt.. sempet jg udah browsing2 iklan2 rmh kosong.. BAKAR RUMAAH!!

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2007

Bought this Canon Powershot G2

Haven't explored it much.. So I don't know until which point this camera can achieve.. Gotta keep my dream of buying the SLR camera..This is the only thing that I could afford for now.. just slightly below 100.. ^^

I like this cam.. A lil bit old thought.. but quite good for semi-pro.. My friend tried to add infrared filter to it.. but the result is disappointing.. I don't know what was wrong.. there's a lot of grains..

Haven't produced any nice pics because of my lousy competence in photography.. but.. here's a result..

I hope I can learn more and produce nicer photos with this cam..

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

The end of backpacking journey..


I just went back from a small Eurotrip visiting Barcelona, Rome, Venice, Florence, and Pisa.. I travelled with 6 other people.. 1st was wilda who was often over heated after sun-burned.. 2nd was ucup who was always looking for bushes, trees or any corners every hour to pee.. 3rd one was mova, the bloody rich lad who was always wanted to eat in the fancy restaurants.. 4th was sin whom was not always together with us Indonesian, because she travelled with her 2 other friends came freshly from s'pore..

I went back with mega super tanned skin (tp msh iteman bima), blistered feet, empty stomach, deeply tired body, bloated stomach, and 4 snowballs from each city (errh.. no connection, DOH!)

It was..hell tiring!! My super huge backpack weight around 14.8 Kg.. (I do like exaggerating using 'super', don't I?) I don't know what the heck did I put inside..Even though I finished all my foods (instant noodles, instant mashed potatoes, breads) but it only reduced by 11.7 Kg at the end of journey..

Of total 10 days I sleep 4 days 'nggembel' in the airports, train station or bus station... and often beeing shooed around between 12am til 4 am.. so we have to stuggle with cold night wind outside.. 1 day sleep in a ghost-house-like hostel in the center of Barcelona, 3 days in a air-conned cabin in a nice camping side in a faaar faaar away from Rome, 1 day in a mobile-house in a camping site also in a far far away from Venice, 1 day in three stars hotel in again faar faar away from Florence.. -__-; well for low-budget backpackers, what can we do..Walk walk walk until you die!! But both camping sites provides good cabins..with proper beds and bathrooms..

Maybe I will post details for each cities.. just for fun..
