Exhausted day
Kemarin... cuappeeee buaaangeet deeeeeh!! Lack of sleep, had to woke up at 6.. then had my boring Image Processing class til 12.. then worked on the assignment til 3..
went to cafe with my classmates til 5.. arrived home @6.50.. Went to badminton court @ 7.15.. and played badminton til 10.. arrived home @11.. bueeeeek!!! after my shower, I went straight to bed, and sleep...

WAKAKAKKAKA.. of course not..That's Alina's.. I was just posing for the picture.. ^^; *krg kerjaan*
Why was it so hard to explain to my friends that I don't drink.. They kept asking my "Why" "But later on, when you're older, you will try, right?" "Do you have the temptation to at least try?" well.. I said no to all the questions.. And then she said "Unbelievable"... waks.. yeah.. Maybe it's hard for western people to understand that we actually can held a party and having fun without any alchohol.. *sigh*
Well.. there are a lot of my friends who are drinking.. And that's fine with me.. I still hanging around with them, without getting influenced to drink.. Cause I also think that I won't like it.. despite that of course that it's forbidden..
Once, I accidently tried Heisse Schokolade Barley (Barley hot chocolate).. Unexperienced like me (plus lemot dan rasa kantuk yg tinggi), didn't have any clue that Barley is one of liquor.. And after half glass, I started feeling sick and my stomach felt strange.. then I realize.. "what is this thing??" After asked my "experienced" friend, he said that.. "yes, that's liquor"... Na gut.. I just left the rest, don't want to drink more.. hueek..

2 Komentar:
gw ajah yg sebenernya boleh minum beer dah berikrar gak bakalan minum lagi :)
waduh2? emg knp kah?
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